Saturday, February 12, 2005

The View That WAS.....

There goes the view of my skyline....! Strange how we take for granted the structures that stand before us in our very places of residence, our own backyard, trees lining the road that we take to travel to work, we accept as part of our landscape; the same birds that wake you in the morning, the familiar sounds that greet you when you open your eyes...... Imagine losing all that. Unimaginable? Well, I've just had the tree in front of my apartment chopped before my eyes & finding all the trees on the road leading to my place cut & butchered to my horror. The excuse they gave when I hollered from my balcony was that the trees are in danger of falling. I asked them how they'd know this & the reply was, "Kalau saya tak tahu, mana awak boleh tahu?" (If I don't know, would you be able to know better?) How far would I get by arguing with them? Would they stop cutting the tree? Would they heed my call to stop because I know of nests up there? Or the favourite spot of the woodpecker & squirrel that plies up & down this tree? Angry as I was, I stood there powerless with my camera capturing their act. They spared the rest of the trees & went on to fell the other trees down the road. My landscape was spared for now but what about later? Before they take the next building down in the name of development, cut my trees & reduce my jungles, or some flood comes upon us that might ruin things for good, let me capture the remnants of what God hath made...... The view that WAS....

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