Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Love Letters

Where is my Valentine?

In this day & age where pen & paper seem to be obsolete when it comes to letter writing, I can’t help but reminisce about the times where I used to put thoughts to nicely decorated onion skin paper or tracing paper with coloured pens & pencils, addressed to my pen pals & friends abroad. The sound of the postman’s motorcycle engine used to bring thrills & suspense to my eager heart but it must also be the postman's most dreaded destination as my dog charges at him each time he arrives…! My ever possessive Labrador-cross never liked men in uniform anyway…

It’s getting increasingly difficult to write an email let alone a letter. The words that I have to articulate & the thought of whether that person would reply my letter soon, seem to be my consideration when I keep in touch. There were love letters……wouldn’t you like to know what was written……ah but then, I hardly receive those now. Ok, ok, I think you’d want some ideas of how a love letter should be written since Valentine’s Day is coming & you are out of words, which is always an excuse to have a peek at other people’s love content. Well, here is just an excerpt of what my ex wrote, which I cherish but am not sad that things didn’t work out. I took those pleasant memories & threw those unpleasant ones away. He’s still my friend & he’s moved on like the rest who had while I’m still here, waiting for a love letter from anyone who cares enough to write & make my day.....

"I've just hit the first wave and beginning to comprehend the effect of numbness. Phew...I'm just finning up to the surface to have a breather as my treasure lies below me as a sunken ship awaiting to be explored in many ways...(wondering)! That would be you, my sweetheart……”

In every one of those passionately-written letters, had the ‘Lumm Factor.’ The ones that make you go weak in the knees, tummy fluttering, light-headedness & possibly even heart palpitations. Hmmm…..what a factor. John, my official cupid, is only sending another one in March or so, he says. But by then, Valentine’s Day is over & my chances of receiving flowers & love letters will be gone. No doubt about it being an over-commercialised day & that love needs no occasion to speak for itself but this year will be my third year without expressive letters & flowers!!!!! I want flowers! I want flowers! *Stomp* *Stomp*….. Oh alright, letters will do as well. At least I wouldn’t have to feel so left out when everyone goes on a date that night while I book myself a movie with my similar situation friends who are nothing but great friends. Last Valentine I conducted an exam for my students but one of them cooked a scrumptious meal for us while they sat for their scuba paper. Still, no love letters. No pretty envelopes to open, no postman in sight, no more dog, no flowers, no chocolates, no amusement. This does not call for self-pity but for self-help.

I’d like to do something very different this time around. If you have ever written a love letter to anyone, I’d like to have a copy for keepsakes & pretend that it was written to me. Well, at least I can still be made to feel good even if I don’t get a date this Valentine! I will appreciate every effort to write & make my day & for every originally-written letter I receive, I’m going to personalise one of my underwater creature photos & send it back via email & the letter with the highest Lumm Factor will be posted on my blog. Being a graphic-oriented person, I especially like decorated letters & the use of colours. You may scan in hand-written ones & send it too Even if it’s an electronic letter, it’s still accepted. Remember the Lumm Factor when you write….. I think this year, the cock is finally going to crow.

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